Avez-vous déjà écrasé une coccinelle ? 🐞✨

Have you ever squashed a ladybug? 🐞✨

What is Maude talking about now?

What a strange question…

Once upon a time, I watched someone free a fly from a spider’s web. I thought “oh, another sensitive soul like me, saving a fly from its grim fate.” 30 seconds later, bam, a quick swat, and the fly suddenly found itself in the heaven of flies.

A brief thought for the spider, who lost its meal, without the fly getting the chance to continue its little fly life!

After witnessing this scene, a thought surprised me:
If it had been a ladybug, would it have been squashed?

No because ladybugs are cute, one would probably have gently picked it up and placed it on a flower outside 🌸🐞

But have you ever seen what a ladybug looks like before it molts?

It looks a lot like an insect that would make us go “ew” and want to squash it. Find a photo online, what do you think?

I still think about it sometimes and wonder why we only spare insects that are beautiful? Ladybugs, butterflies, and cicadas don’t meet the same fate depending on the stage of their life.

And once they’re beautiful, they don’t meet the same fate as flies and spiders.

Although, there’s a spider in my living room that I don’t chase away because I know it feeds on the little gnats and other insects that might bother me. But the other spiders that aren’t pretty, meaning the ones that are scary, they also taste the swat depending on my level of courage at the moment, I have to admit…

Beauty and usefulness.

Two very subjective aspects.

Especially usefulness, because every insect has a well-defined and crucial role in the planet’s ecosystem.

It’s not so much the fate of insects that makes me philosophize, but the parallels of this pondering. It can be extended to other areas of our lives. So, I’m sharing these thoughts to open up avenues for reflection, awareness, and offer a change in perspective.


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