Barrières à l'abondance 🍯

Barriers to abundance 🍯

What unconscious loyalties, conditioning, and beliefs stand between you and abundance?

A divine abundance.

An outrageous abundance.

It’s never a matter of fate.

We are creators of our reality, com-ple-te-ly.

Not just with our thoughts and hearts, no, but with our subconscious, our wounds, what we believe is possible or not, and deeply rooted conditioning buried within our unconscious.

So, like peeling back the layers of a fruit, we can gently meet the parts of ourselves carrying these things and help them release them.

Little by little, we reconnect with the flow of life.

We gradually remove the barriers we’ve placed between ourselves and abundance.

We release blockages, automatic reactions, and repetitive patterns.

And then, we simply allow.

I’ve never been so amazed by the magic of life as I am now, and I feel that something far greater is still possible.

Unimaginable, outrageous.

Because I’ve reclaimed myself from many contracting spaces, soothed many wounded parts, and guided many aspects of myself out of invisible cages, I now feel like I’m dancing with life.

The synchronicities are wild.

Life smiles at me, winks at me, sometimes through challenges, but always to guide me to where I want to go, sometimes through unexpected, surprising, and wonderful gifts.

When the energy of life doesn’t flow freely within us, blockages manifest in our lives.

But it’s not an inevitability.

We can lift those blockages and experience a life that’s much smoother, lighter, and filled with magic ✨

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