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Mon chaos m'appartient ✨

My chaos belongs to me ✨

There is an ecosystem around me, it is the human experience. The hustle and bustle of life. There is also an ecosystem inside me. This is the one that matters....

My chaos belongs to me ✨

There is an ecosystem around me, it is the human experience. The hustle and bustle of life. There is also an ecosystem inside me. This is the one that matters....

Allons chercher les morceaux de vous que vous avez perdus ✨

Let's go find the pieces of yourself that you'v...

And which are preventing you from moving forward, turning over a new leaf, breaking free from repetitive patterns, feeling good, thriving, feeling fully YOU. We lose parts of ourselves in...

Let's go find the pieces of yourself that you'v...

And which are preventing you from moving forward, turning over a new leaf, breaking free from repetitive patterns, feeling good, thriving, feeling fully YOU. We lose parts of ourselves in...

Nos parts protectrices et la puissance du déni ✨

Our inner guardians and the power of denial ✨

In our inner world, we have an entire system, which we might not be fully aware of, that allows us to navigate the human experience. We can easily see some of...

Our inner guardians and the power of denial ✨

In our inner world, we have an entire system, which we might not be fully aware of, that allows us to navigate the human experience. We can easily see some of...

De la douceur dans cette période intense ✨

Gentleness during this intense period of times ✨

One can choose to navigate the current times of transformation with resistance, struggle, with oneself, with what show up, with what stings us, with others. One can want to stay anchored...

Gentleness during this intense period of times ✨

One can choose to navigate the current times of transformation with resistance, struggle, with oneself, with what show up, with what stings us, with others. One can want to stay anchored...

Le cadeau des gens qui ne sont pas d’accord ✨

The gift of people who disagree ✨

We tend to form friendships with people who resemble us, or at least with individuals who share our values and worldview.We create a tribe, feeling a sense of belonging that...

The gift of people who disagree ✨

We tend to form friendships with people who resemble us, or at least with individuals who share our values and worldview.We create a tribe, feeling a sense of belonging that...

Entités négatives, démons, esprits maléfiques, … ✨

Negative entities, demons, malevolent spirits,...

Oh boy, the scary subject! We've been greatly assisted by movies in embedding a visceral fear of "dark presences" in our collective unconscious. There are many allied spirits and presences to support...

Negative entities, demons, malevolent spirits,...

Oh boy, the scary subject! We've been greatly assisted by movies in embedding a visceral fear of "dark presences" in our collective unconscious. There are many allied spirits and presences to support...