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Your inner gems ✨

I often talk with a dear friend close to my heart. We share what we're experiencing, our perspectives, things from our past, new insights, and reflections on each other's shares.

In this sacred space we've created, gems are born every day ✨

We're not gold diggers, the gems emerge on their own.

Or perhaps we are, in a way. I'd say we're alchemists, placing lead in our sacred space, adding laughter, adding tears, adding each our own unique magic, and nourishing our hearts with the gold that emerges 🍯💛

(I love you 🤍)

Recently, when thinking about starting to post on social media, she told me she didn't have any gems to share. She, who shares gems with me regularly in our conversations!

When I post on social media, I write whatever comes to me in the moment and let the words flow. Sometimes it doesn't get much reaction, but sometimes it resonates. Sometimes I get heartfelt messages of thanks (which warm my heart!) because it helped someone.

At first, I was surprised.
It's like with my friend, we chat, and sometimes she or I will say "Oh, thanks for that, it's a gem!"

And the other is like "Really?"

Well, yes...

💛✨ The gems within you, you don't realize they're gems because they're part of you, your experiences, your life. They're processed, integrated, familiar, even insignificant sometimes.

But for someone who hasn't walked that path, who hasn't had that experience or been invited by life to see things from that perspective, hearing you share your experience or viewpoint is a gem.

It opens a door, triggers a realization, makes something bloom inside.

Of course, it's not for everyone, but for those for whom it could be precious => it could be precious! 😁

➡ Let me challenge you a bit: I'd even say it's a bit selfish not to share your gems!

We can't walk every path ourselves.

When you share the wisdom of an experience you've had, I don't need to live it myself because through you, I can discover and integrate that wisdom, lesson, or learning.

And vice versa, 1+1=3, something like that 😉

If you think you have nothing to share, you're keeping your gems buried!

Does a flower marvel at its own nectar? No, it's simply a part of it, yet for a butterfly, what a wonder 🤩🦋🌸✨

If you overthink what to say, you block the natural flow of life.

Just share, simply.

🔑 Sometimes it won't resonate, but sometimes it will be exactly the key someone needs at that moment.

We are interdependent, like the flower and the bee, and the synergy possible in our interactions is beautiful.

That's what I'd love to see bloom in my social media posts, reading your comments, your shares, your opinions, so we can weave together, nourish each other, uplift each other, liberate each other, dare express ourselves.


Does this resonate? 🌸


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