You will rise in the light as much as you will dive into your depths 🤍🖤
You will radiate your light as much as you will embrace your shadows.
I am tired of this disembodied spirituality chasing vibrational elevation, positive thinking, and seeming more like an escape from reality, from matter, than a true elevation of consciousness.
We are human.
We are light.
We are shadow.
It is not good and evil, they are simply two polarities we must embrace if we want to find peace at the center, aligned with ourselves, our soul, and the divine.
Rejecting what is dark within us only plants the seeds of suffering that will prevent us from rising.
In the union of these two polarities lies incredible beauty and strength.
Which part of you is best suited to help you set clear boundaries and make that act of love toward yourself by refusing what is not respectful?
Yes, a dark part!
Is it bad?
No, it’s beautiful.
The alliance of our shadows and our luminous parts creates a complete, fully owned, embraced and centered human experience, leading to true ascension.
For we will rise as much as we delve into our depths.
If you only chase the light, you will hit a glass ceiling, and your shadows will tease or even torment you.
The yin and the yang ☯️