Someone often told me:
"I pray to meet a man with whom I will be happy, and every guy I meet is a disaster, it triggers my wounds, I suffer, or they run away."
I replied:
"But are you ready to be happy with a man?
You project your wounds onto the men you are with. No matter how things go with them, those wounds are inside you.
Life sends you exactly what you need so that you can receive what you're praying for!
It places you face to face with your unhealed wounds through situations that trigger them. Here, it's men who are the opposite of what you dream of...
Life will send you things to work on what’s preventing you from being happy with a man, to heal it, so that afterward, you can truly be happy with a man!
🛑 Throwing them in your face: that's the only way for you to identify those wounds.
Because as long as those wounds remain unhealed, you won't be able to be happy with a man.
You could have the perfect man in front of you, but your unhealed wounds will still eat away at you, and you will unconsciously create problems where there are none.
Life is answering your prayer perfectly!"
When we pray to receive something and curse life, God, the universe, we just aren't aware that we always receive exactly what we need.
So yes, sometimes it doesn't look like it at all, and it's not easy to see the why or the positive side...
Yes, it can be heavy, long, painful, or despairing...
But it's what we need to receive what we are praying for.
"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward."
- Kierkegaard