J'ai 9.13 euros sur mon compte, et je me sens riche ✨

I have 9.13 euros in my bank account, and I feel wealthy ✨

My priority over the past two years has been to take care of my health. 

All my savings have gone towards that. The money I had saved to achieve my dream of buying a nice camper van is no longer there. And that's okay. 

I felt it coming these past few years, I sensed that I was going to be challenged and pushed hard to let go of deeply ingrained conditioning and fears around money.

In recent months, I've experienced financial precariousness. I lived month by month, calculating every expense, and most months I ended up with just a few euros above zero. Two months ago, I ate rice for several days while waiting for some money to come in so I could buy groceries. It wasn’t comfortable, but it was a gift, it allowed me to release the fear of lacking food tied to the fear of lacking money.

Every day, I thought about money, about the lack of money. Frustration, anger, sadness, and above all, fear.

Some time ago, I shared a quote: "Worrying is praying for something you don't want." That was exactly it. I was endlessly sinking into that reality, obsessed with lack, fueled by deep fears.

Today, I have 9.13 euros in my bank account.

And I feel wealthy.

It's strange, surprising, and I wanted to share it.

I went to bed last night with the pleasure of being in my super comfortable bed, I live in a beautiful apartment in a wooded park. I was able to take care of my health this month. I went through two tough weeks but received support, love, and presence. I feel better in my body.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll worry again about my financial situation, or about my health, or maybe I won’t.

In any case, today I feel wealthy.

And I feel a deep sense of gratitude.

I wanted to anchor this.

Thank you to everyone who passes by here and enriches my life, in your own unique way 🤗❤️

Let's remind ourselves that we define our reality by how we look at things. It's all about perspective. All.

Whatever you're going through, I'm sending my love to lighten your hearts if I can't lighten your situation 🤍

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