Allons chercher les morceaux de vous que vous avez perdus ✨

Let's go find the pieces of yourself that you've lost ✨

And which are preventing you from moving forward, turning over a new leaf, breaking free from repetitive patterns, feeling good, thriving, feeling fully YOU.

We lose parts of ourselves in the trials we go through, the shocks, traumas, betrayals, rejections, humiliations, abandonments.

A part of our energy remains there and conditions our present, our reactions, our emotions. It stays in the space-time of the event and constantly brings back the wound we experienced.

This can be unconscious and guide our lives without us realizing it, or it can be more obvious, like an event we can't get over, someone who keeps coming back into our thoughts and obsesses us.

☀️ The part of ourselves that we lost calls to come back to us.

And when we are ready to reintegrate it, something within us calls us to seek out this energy that is outside of us, that we are missing.

Feel free to message me if this resonates with you, if it calls to you.

Even if your mind doesn't understand, your soul will know and you will feel it, it will attract you.


- Maude

#soul #soulretrieval #wound #healing #woundhealing #emotionalhealing #getbetter #feelbetter #pieceyourselfbacktogether

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