Médecine du moaï, présence et bien-être 🗿

Medicine of the moai, presence and well-being 🗿

It is common not to feel fully present or not to be well grounded on Earth.

Our body carries all our memories, including many memories of suffering and trauma, whether physical or emotional.

Sometimes, we may experience a form of rejection of our own body, either consciously or unconsciously, or have a difficult relationship with it.

There can also be many other reasons why we are not fully present in our body, why we lose our grounding.

The allied spirit moai is a master in the art of gently bringing us back into our body.

They work on our root chakra, our sacral chakra, and bring our energy back down into our body, especially toward the lower part of our body.

They bring gentleness and well-being into our body.

At the same time, this helps calm our mind, as we often have an excess of energy in our head.

Returning to the here and now, experiencing lightness, well-being, and peace in our physical body 🙏✨

🗿🗿 Being present and feeling well 🗿🗿

➡ A healing session with the Moaïs will be part of my next immersion starting on the 18th. 


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