Rencontre avec une part blessĂ©e : la poupĂ©e 👧

Meeting a wounded part : the doll 👧

A person I was having a one-to-one session with wanted to work on her relationship with her body. There were several directions related to this theme, and here is what she shared with me for the first one:

Recently, a man she knows placed his hand on her arm in a friendly gesture. Despite the fact that this physical contact disturbed her and even somewhat startled her, she found herself frozen, unable to move, unable to do or say anything. So she told herself "I won't say anything, and if it goes further, if it goes too far, then I'll do something."

It's interesting to note that the signals sent by her body were already conveying the message: this is too far for me. But a part of her, activated during this experience, had ingrained in her the belief that it wasn’t possible to say no or set boundaries. Beyond that, it was very difficult for her to refuse a man's advances.

She confided to me:
"I don't feel in control of my body"
"I want to be possessed, to belong to someone, as if I were an object"

By opening space to the parts of her that resonated with this, a child part of her showed up and told me "I am a doll".

She showed me a puppet, the articulated figure artists use for drawing, which can be placed in any position. She felt like an object at others' disposal. This was the foundation of her being, so there was no question of saying no, it wasn’t conceivable, it didn’t even exist in her reality.

All of this resonated deeply with the person and reminded her of when she was little. She was forced to wear clothes she didn’t like, and her mother wanted to style her hair in ways she didn’t like. It was that part of her, the image of the doll being dressed and styled.

She rebelled strongly afterward, but her mother being the primary authoritative figure, even if she later refused to be dressed or styled a certain way, a large part of her still internalized those frequencies deeply: I must be at others' disposal, I must do what they want, that's how life is lived.

I opened a space for this child part, on a beautiful crystalline beach, so that she could experience playing and, most importantly, discover that she could be herself. And for play and joy, what could be better than being accompanied by dolphins? 🐬🌊

Wonderful dolphin spirit allies came to play with her and accompany her, while I worked gently for her to release the memories she was carrying, regain harmony, and for the person to reintegrate this fragmented part of herself.

Of course, there were other parts linked to this theme, some deeper, but I wanted to share this example to show how certain things can be ingrained in us, sometimes in surprising ways.

Since that session, which took place a little over a month ago, during which we also explored other layers of this theme, this beautiful soul has managed to say no several times to men. It’s not 100% or 100% flowing, but it’s already a big step that I celebrate with all my heart đŸ™đŸ„°

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