Minimiser pour se sauver ✨

Minimizing to save oneself

In the sessions where I guide you to welcome a wounded part of yourself, dissolve its memories and reintegrate it, sometimes a part presents itself, and I sense its wound, I get an information, a direction.

I then ask the question "Did you experience something like this?"

And sometimes I'm told "No, no no, nothing like that."

So the treasure hunt begins. The goal is to find the origin of the wound that this part carries.

Then we get there, and sometimes it goes like this: "Well, yes, I have this memory, but... it was nothing, so I don't know."

➡️ The non-event.

I said.
I heard.
(I paraphrase)
"I experienced a rape, but, well, it wasn't really one because..."

It seems crazy, but it's so overwhelming, so violent, so deep that an automatic reflex makes us minimize it, and even believe that no, it was nothing.

➡️ Denial is a gift.


🌊 Minimizing is a defense mechanism of our inner system, we protect ourselves.

🌊 We refuse the event. We refuse to see it for what it is, to recognize and accept that we experienced something so painful.

🌊 We refuse to admit that we carry this within us. That our body holds this memory.

🌊 This event, this part of us, we prefer it dissociated, far from us. Fragmented. We don’t want to integrate it. We don't want to "be that".

💟 Some wounds are so sensitive that they are hidden deep in our unconscious.

💟 But if the part presents itself in a session, it's because we are ready. It’s time to integrate and transmute this wound. To let go of the weight it carries, these memories that impact us even if we are in denial.

💟 We do not hunt for wounded parts, they present themselves based on the direction you have chosen, on what you decide to work on. It is you (and your soul) who is in charge.

The gift in my process is that you are in a high-frequency space during the session, so there is no reactivation of the pain, we do not relive the suffering. It is gentle. It can be moving, but it is not painful.


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