Notre corps sait ce dont il a besoin 🤸‍♀️

Our body knows what it needs 🤸‍♀️

A few years ago, I used to go to the farmer every week to buy my fruits and vegetables, and I often struggled to decide what to choose.

I would ask myself "what do I feel like having?" and I had a hard time coming up with ideas for what to cook.

Then one day, I changed the dynamic. Instead of asking myself what I felt like having, I started asking "what do I need?" while thinking about my body's needs.

Strangely enough, I was drawn to things I had never bought before or didn't even know how to cook. At that time, what attracted me the most was red cabbage.

I went with the flow and enjoyed red cabbage, every day. Yes, really, I enjoyed it, there is a true form of pleasure that comes from consuming what our body craves.

Curious about this newfound attraction to red cabbage, I looked up its benefits online and discovered, among other things, that it's one of the vegetables richest in glutamine.

Around this time, I had an appointment with a naturopath, and after a check-up, what did she tell me? That I needed glutamine and should consider taking supplements!

Well, well!

This experience stayed with me because, for the first time, it concretely showed me that yes, our body knows.

Our body has a consciousness that we can connect to.

Something as simple as switching from "what do I feel like having?" thinking of indulging myself, to "what do I need?" thinking about my body, and I wasn't drawn to the same things and clearly, I was being guided towards what my body needed.

Asking the question opens a space to receive the answer.

It's the thought that counts!
Always 😊

This was also the time when I decided to stop listening to doctors and specialists during this long diagnostic odyssey I found myself in and started following my own feelings.

I asked the Universe to guide me, and I followed the flow, my inner flow.

Instead of entirely surrendering my power to external people and authority figures who were clearly not equipped to help me, I decided to follow my inner authority.

And yes, that requires trusting yourself!

The first person I consulted after following this inner calling was a hypnotherapist, and let me tell you, hypnosis wasn't really my thing, in fact, it kind of repelled me.

But I followed the flow and trusted my feeling to choose the therapist.

Even though hypnosis wasn't for me, this therapist asked me a question that changed everything.

It was as if the universe had said "you need this key to move forward, and he's the one who can give it to you".

So no, my health problems weren't magically resolved after that, but it was the first step on this path of listening to myself, my body, my intuition.

Since then, the magic hasn't stopped. Each person who accompanies me gives me precious keys, and the timing of each appointment is extraordinary.

Everything fits together like puzzle pieces, in a smooth and logical dance.

There is divine magic that seems to govern ecosystems in nature, everything is interconnected and works in a harmony that's beyond us. It's as if that same divine magic is present in my life, in the way things manifest, since I started listening to myself.

A little disclaimer:
It's a learning process.

Sometimes I've mistaken a contraction for a sign that something was a no, when in fact, it was a yes but triggered a fear.

It's these mistakes that help us attune our senses: when I feel this in this way, it actually means that.

That's how we develop discernment.

Our feelings are our guides, let's trust ourselves.

Our body knows.

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