"Y'a quelque chose qui tourne pas rond chez moi" ✨

"There's something wrong with me" ✨

Oh, how many times have I thought I was weird... 
Always outside the norm, always too much of this, not enough of that. 
"Can't you just be like everyone else?" 

It didn’t help having antennas that pick up on the subtle realm or the energies of people, but even without that, even without the feeling of being an alien on Earth, I’ve often felt weird simply because I was being myself. Whenever I felt down, I would watch the cartoon The Ugly Duckling 😁

The system we grow up in is designed to eradicate anything original, we are taught to be "the way we should be" instead of just being allowed to be. In doing so, we plane all the singularities of our being, all the quirks that make us who we are, all the little things that make us different from the mold that has been chosen for us.

🌍💃 I am an explorer.
I love discovering new things. When I was little, I would change sports and creative activities almost every year. I loved it, exploring, trying, improving, and then starting over with something completely different. I was made well aware that this wasn’t normal: you can’t commit, you’re not serious, you can’t stick to the path you’ve chosen, you’ll never become great at anything, etc. This weighed heavily on me until a psychologist told me "well, no, it’s great! It allows you to discover many things, you’re rich in diverse experiences, and it shows that you adapt easily". People like that are gifts in life, they make you realize that, oh, it’s actually okay. What I am inside isn’t "not normal", it’s just a matter of perspective!

In English, there’s a saying:
"A jack of all trades is a master of none."
And what a joy it was to discover the full version of this saying:
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."

🌙🌧️ I love the night and the rain.
When night falls, something awakens in me, people go home, and I feel the urge to go out. I love the calm of the night, everything is slower, more peaceful, I feel good in it. When a storm breaks and it starts to rain, I open my windows at home and go outside to watch the sky. Why, I don’t know, but I love the rain.

🌸 Are these oddities or simply facets of who I am?

🌸 Why lose the richness of our differences and singularities?

It took me a lot of time, and encounters, but little by little, I’ve changed perspectives on many things. Instead of thinking I’m weird for this or that reason, I now tell myself that it’s simply me, it’s who I am. AND THAT’S OKAY.

Not long ago, I briefly met a very eccentric couple. The man was wearing an ultra-flashy polka-dot suit, and it made me so happy. My heart sang “thank youuu” just because they showed the example I needed at that moment: screw the norms, let’s be ourselves, it’s possible, and it’s okay, it’s even amazing because, just like for me, it awakens the same little spark in others.

I’ve shared three examples here, but there are so many more, and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of examples in your own lives, your childhood. It’s time to change our perspective and finally allow ourselves to be, to break free from the chains of our inner prisons and live freely.

🌸 It’s simple, but not so easy!

That’s why it’s precious to take the time to see what’s deep inside us. What conditioning, what wounds are preventing us from being freely ourselves and enjoying life as we see fit?


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