Quand tu hésites, que tu sais pas quoi faire 😞

When you hesitate, or don't know what to do 😞

We have inner parts with deep fears and strong conditioning that will do everything to keep us aligned with them, within the limits they carry, otherwise, they get triggered. 

So, when something new or big calls to us, bam, they show up with their little bundles filled with excuses that manifest as thoughts we mistake for valid reasons not to do X, Y, Z. 

Becoming aware of this mechanism is incredibly valuable: it allows us to step out of this vicious cycle of thoughts and realize "Oh, it’s just a part of me that’s scared".

At that point, we can say "Okay, I hear you, I understand, but I decide to go this way".

Taking these parts under our wing, reassuring them while holding our ground, that’s the key.

We can be the leaders of our inner world and stay in control.

It’s up to us to steer our lives!

Of course, some fragmented parts of us carry emotions so intense that staying in control becomes impossible. These parts are invaluable to soothe and reintegrate.

The more we do this, the easier it becomes to maintain our stance in the face of the parts trying so hard to keep us in their comfort zone. 🤍

My guiding principles:

➡ Assert myself in the face of my inner parts that tell me stories, not listen to them, stay on course, I am the captain of my ship.

➡ Identify and reintegrate the fragmented, wounded parts that carry traumas and conditioning that overwhelm me and throw me off balance. Once my inner world is at peace, I can regain my direction 😊

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