"Mais pourquoi je réagis comme ça ?!" 😔

"Why do I react like this?!" 😔

When we are emotionally impacted by something or someone, a wounded part of us is activated.

What does that mean?

âž¡ It means that at that moment, logical reasoning is not possible. We immediately switch to the emotional, and what we do or say may lack sense from an external point of view. Even from an internal point of view, actually, as we might not understand our own reaction.

âž¡ The intensity of the emotion we feel comes from our wounded part, which conveys its full emotional charge to us. If several wounded parts are activated, the intensity accumulates, and it can be explosive!

➡ When a wounded part is activated, it takes over. This is a key point to consider 🔑 here’s an example:

If a 50-year-old woman experienced an emotional shock at the age of 6, and someone says something that reawakens that wound, she is no longer the 50-year-old woman she currently is. She suddenly becomes 6 years old again, losing access to all her emotional maturity, the wisdom gained over her life, and the tools she has integrated to emotionally regulate and manage situations.

That's why we can see adults throwing tantrums like children would. Suddenly, there’s nothing rational in their behavior, and reasoning with them is impossible.

But it’s normal. They are triggered.

They are no longer here, in the present moment.
They are catapulted into the past.

They are reliving the initial emotional shock or trauma. At 6 years old, we are not equipped to handle emotional shocks, we are overwhelmed.

The adult is overwhelmed in the same way at that moment.

💥 Irrational fear
💥 Anger without an apparent valid reason
💥 Disproportionate sadness
💥 Paralyzing panic
💥 Excessive principle
💥 Aversion to something
💥 Aggressiveness
💥 Excessive mistrust

A far from exhaustive list of how a wounded part can affect us.

And this is where soul retrieval is a precious tool: this wounded part is a fragmented part, stuck in the time and space of the shock or trauma. There is thus a direct connection between us and that past moment, hence the instant transmission of the emotional charge. Soul retrieval means recovering this part of us, allowing it to release what it carries, soothing it, and reintegrating it.

It is an incredible tool to prevent these wounded parts from activating in our daily lives, triggering emotional reactions, or more simply limiting us with their fears or even just their conditioning 🛑

As we journey through life, we heal and reintegrate parts of ourselves. Soul retrieval simply allows us to do so gently and quickly: we can soothe and reintegrate several parts in one session. It may not solve deeply rooted major issues connected to many wounded parts in just one session, but it allows us to make significant progress, moving forward with each step.

Feel free to send me a private message if you would like more info!

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