Vous inspirez tous quelqu'un sans le savoir ✨

You are inspiring someone without even knowing it ✨

I've been experiencing a lot of ping-pong inspiration lately:
Someone shares something, someone else responds by adding their perspective, their energy, and from that, new inspiration is born, and that inspires me 😃

❤️ We are interconnected, interdependent, and we interinspire each other!

We are all mirrors for one another, and what we see in others is precious.

A man whom I sometimes found a bit too crude and disrespectful inspired me the freedom of being oneself. To be unapologetic.
When I felt stuck, unable to express myself, I would ask myself "what would he do?" and that opened a path for me.

This is just one example among a multitude of inspirations, insights, and lessons that people I've met in my life have passed on to me, often without even knowing it.

🛑 Every person you meet has something to teach you.


And you?

💎 What gems do you have inside you that you're keeping hidden like a dragon with its treasure?

Oh right… “but who would care?”
That’s what I often told myself, and still sometimes wonder before posting my thoughts.

There are already so many people, leaders, sharing and inspiring others.

🤷‍♀️ “Who am I?”

Well, for example, me:

Speaking publicly was my worst fear.

Last year, I joined a group of wonderful souls who hosted regular Zoom calls, and one day, I had something I really -really- wanted to share about what was being discussed. Oh, small detail… we were speaking in English.

Speaking in front of strangers + speaking English out loud = double panic flavor 🍧😰

I went for it, my hands literally trembling, and... I didn’t die 😁

At one point, I was talking about my relationship with spirituality and what I called the "spiritual closet."

No one in my circle at the time was into that stuff, and I felt like I had to come out of the spiritual closet, risking rejection, etc.

Weeks later, someone brought up my sharing, saying that it had triggered something in them to come out of their own spiritual closet and own it.

I was stunned, how could something I shared have inspired someone like that?

And their story about coming out of their spiritual closet inspired me for my own journey.

➡ Synergy and inter-inspiration 🤍✨

There are things you've learned, understood, after a long journey.

Shall we share all this with each other, offering each other a supersonic evolution?

So we don't all have to walk every single path...

So, a little challenge: share a moment of realization or something that inspired you on your social medias?

And why not tag someone to do it too!

Let's enjoy watching a bunch of little sparks light up everywhere 🥰✨

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