When we experience something in this life, it echoes the other incarnations our soul has lived.
It creates an anchor point, connecting us to the emotional charge and similar memories from our other incarnations.
We do not just carry the weight of this life.
We carry the weight of many lifetimes.
That's why my soul retrieval healing sessions means so much to me. It's not just about letting go of the memories of this life but also those of past lives that impact us in this incarnation.
🤍 So if you are suffering, if you are going through a difficult time, if you feel like you're being crushed by a weight that seems too heavy for you...
Be gentle and patient with yourself.
Yes, we can retrieve several fragments of yourself and lighten their memories in one session, but you carry much more than you think.
Your physical body
Your emotional body
Your mental body
Your bodies need to integrate, process, and recalibrate after each session.
Your body holds your memories, crystallized emotions, traumas, you have to give it time and space to rest and the resources it needs.
Your personality is also based on your memories and sufferings, releasing these unconscious identifications is a process too.
I've been asked several times "how many sessions are needed?"
I can't answer that because it depends on each person and their specific issues.
🙏 I understand the urgency to feel better.
But you carry more than you think.
And unfortunately, we often focus on the present and what still isn't feeling ok, preventing us sometimes from seeing the many small and big changes already present in our journey.
I was a completely different person a year and a half ago. Sometimes I think "a year and a half, that's so long" and other times I can’t believe how much I've shifted in my life and within myself in such a short time.
Be gentle and patient with yourself.
You carry much more than you think.