Healing session

Soul retrieval

I assist you in retrieving the parts of yourself that you lost during difficult events, emotional shocks, traumas, breakups, bereavements, betrayals, abandonments, etc. These events, where we lose a part of ourselves, shape our present, our reactions, our emotions, our thoughts.

This is what is called soul fragmentation. A fragment of our soul remains in the space-time of the event and constantly triggers the wound we experienced, consciously or unconsciously.

We have all lost fragments of our soul, especially in childhood when we are very sensitive to emotional shocks.

When many fragments are lost, it can lead to situations such as:
- Being triggered on sensitive topics
- Being unable to launch or materialize a project
- Repeating the same patterns
- Feeling empty, exhausted
- Losing the sense of our life
- No longer feeling fully present in our body
- Being unable to have harmonious relationships with one or more people
- Etcetera

I assist you in retrieving, harmonizing, and reintegrating these parts of yourself so that you can piece yourself back together, find inner peace, reconnect with your inner power and materialize what you wish for.

I also work on transgenerational and karmic aspects, where we can carry many heavy memories and wounds that deeply impact our lives.

The healing sessions I offer are gentle, without reactivating the memories or the pain of past events, and you do not have to talk about them in detail if you do not feel like it.

How does a session work?

During the session, I create and hold a safe space that provides gentleness and support throughout the process. This space continues to support you for three days after the session, the time needed for the complete harmonization and reintegration of the fragments we have retrieved, and during which I continue to accompany you.

Feel free to contact me if you want more information or if you are interested for a session:

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